Sunkist, 維生素床的世界C,混合水果膠囊,125毫克,60粒
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如果你還在考慮Sunkist, 維生素C,混合水果膠囊,125毫克,60粒這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Dietary Supplement
- Gelatin, Dairy & Gluten Free
- Cherry/Grape/Orange
- Suitable for Vegetarians
Great tasting orange, cherry and grape flavors in fruit shaped gummies! Scrumptiously sweetened with evaporated cane juice and organic tapioca syrup - no high fructose corn or g髮旺旺l床的世界ucose syrup and no artificial colors used. This allergen-free vegetarian formula is made with a natural pectin base. Helps in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. Helps in connective tissue formation and wound healing. Antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.
Sunkist, 維生素C,混合水果膠囊,125毫克,60粒